2014年12月11日 星期四

MYSQL 主機修改解除連線限制

MySQL修改限制本機LOCALHOST以外主機可連線,將 my.cnf 編輯裡

bind-address            = localhost  or  ------>本機IP 192.168.X.X or


UBUNTU 12.04 SAMBA NAS 指令使用方式

Ubuntu Clients

sudo apt-get install samba

sudo apt-get install nautilus-share

Connecting using CIFS

The following will mount the myshare folder on myserver to ~/mnt (it will be in your home directory):
mkdir ~/mnt
sudo mount -t cifs //myserver_ip_address/myshare ~/mnt -o username=samb_user,noexec
Note: "samba_user" = the user name on the samba server (may be different from your log-in name on the client).

教學擷取於 UBUNTU https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaClientGuide